Treatment for SIBO may vary depending on the underlying causes . For example, surgical intervention may be warranted if your doctor believes there is a structural issue in the intestines. In other cases, a targeted antibiotic may be prescribed to reduce and control the amount of bacteria present in the small intestines. In some cases, functional medicine practitioners recommend herbal antibiotics , including extracts from oregano, goldenseal, uva ursi , and garlic. Diet is an important component of any SIBO treatment plan as well. Everyone's gut is different, so there is no single SIBO diet, but generally, a SIBO diet is similar to a low-FODMAP diet . FODMAP (an acronym that stands for F ermentable O ligo-, D i-, M onosaccharides A nd P olyols) are types of carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest, including lactose, grains, and sweeteners. Diets low in FODMAPs have been shown to alleviate IBS symptoms that also plague SIBO suffers, like bloating, pain, and con...