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Disma part ways with vocalist, following years of Nazi affiliation - Brooklyn Vegan


NJ death metal band Disma have parted ways with vocalist Craig Pillard. They write:

The decision was mutual and the reasons are no secret. We will move on and finish writing the next album and complete it when a suitable replacement is found.

We thank you all for your support over the years!

They don’t elaborate on the reasons, but it is “no secret” that Pillard has come under fire in the past for releasing nazi-glorifying records under the name Sturmfuhrer, and Disma were removed from Chaos In Tejas 2012 and Netherlands Deathfest 2015 after other bands threatened to drop off. In a 2002 interview about his Sturmfuhrer project, Pillard spoke about “Jewry” and Hitler:

Your imagery takes on WWII era themes with a strong emphasis on Germany… what are your thoughts on the last of ‘the great wars’?

I think Germany was defending itself from the plague of world usury/Jewry and was unfortunately beaten with the help of world Jewry, between Amerika, CCCP and Britain “OUR” kind was seduced into believing Hitler was a mad man. The sad thing is that most of “US” didn’t even realize that “WE” were fighting “OUR” own people!!!!

[…] What message would you say you wish to convey to your listener? Is there a specific atmosphere you try to create?

I try to bring the listener back to 1930’s/40’s Germany when the Fatherland prospered and also to give a sense of Dark atmosphere, with controversial samples!

Looking to the current state of the world, it’s quite apparent a violent period stretches before us. Do you see the world getting better before worse?

I definitely see it getting worse unless “WE” start doing something about world Jewry/usury! We are going downhill fast with the media multi-cultural cesspool that is being subjected to every decent White person that turns on the “Electric Jew”!!!!! As long as “WE” keep getting force-fed this shit, and not do something about it, the faster “WE” DIE!!!!

In your opinion, what are the major problems in the world today?

One of the biggest problems Amerika has and almost the rest of the world is the U.S.’s unconditional support for Israel! As long as the U.S. keeps licking the shit out of Ariel Sharon’s ass hole, and keeps lying, and force-feeding us Jewish propaganda, and doing nothing about it “WE” are DOOMED!!!

Hypothetically, if you could go back in time to any period, when and where would you go. What would you do there?

1933 Germany, as part the Schutzstaffel!!!

If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Adolf Hitler, He could of had the world!!!

As Metal Injection points out, Sturmfuhrer’s Ich Kamfe CD looks like this:


In the past, other members of Disma had said that Pillard “changed,” though as Toilet Ov Hell recently pointed out, Sturmfuhrer is still active and was recently announced on the lineup of a fascist Italian metal fest.

A new singer for Disma has not been announced yet. The remaining members are Bill Venner on guitar, Randi Stokes on bass, and Craig Smilowski (who replaced Shawn Eldridge in 2016) on drums. Guitarist (and Funebrarum vocalist) Daryl Kahan (also of Citizens Arrest) left in 2015, though he is still credited with the design and layout of their 2017 album The Graveless Remains.



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