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black plague treatment :: Article Creator Black Death Vaccine Being Developed Amid Fears The Disease Could Return And Kill Millions COVID jab scientists are developing a Black Death vaccine over fears the disease could re-emerge and kill millions. Researchers believe their inoculation will be the first approved in the UK for the ancient infection. 1 Covid jab scientists are developing a Black Death vaccineCredit: Getty The Black Death — also known as bubonic plague — has killed 200million people worldwide and medics fear a super-strength version may now appear. The team behind the Oxford AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine said they had made progress on an injection that could prevent bubonic plague developing. A trial of their vaccine on 40 healthy adults, which started in 2021, shows it is safe and can produce an immune response to the often-fatal condition. Prof Sir Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, said the t...

Trivia Bits for Jan 30, 2019, by Leslie Elman - Creators Syndicate

St. Bernard of Montjoux (aka Bernard of Menthon) was an 11th-century priest in the Aosta region of the Italian Alps. Because traversing the mountains was a grueling and potentially dangerous endeavor, Bernard commissioned the construction of two hospices where travelers and pilgrims on their way to Rome and the Holy Land could find food, shelter and treatment for injuries sustained on their journeys. The strong, brave dogs that helped monks at the hospices rescue endangered travelers were named in his honor, and today St. Bernard is considered the patron saint of mountaineers and skiers.

Ancient Greeks wore amethyst jewelry to prevent what?

A) Death in battle

B) Drunkenness

C) Plague

D) Pregnancy

Previous answer: Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia are commonwealths. Alabama is not.

TRIVIA FANS: Leslie Elman is the author of "Weird But True: 200 Astounding, Outrageous and Totally Off the Wall Facts." Contact her at [email protected]



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