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Purdue University Student Health Service
State Immunization Requirements for Enrolled Students Immunization Records ReminderStudents are reminded to submit proof of immunizations against rubeola (10-day measles), rubella (German measles), mumps, meningitis, diphtheria and tetanus to the PUSH immunization portal by June 30th for Fall and by November 30th for Spring. If you do not submit proof of immunization, a hold will be placed on your account and you will be unable to register for future classes.
If you need a tuberculosis test or vaccines that cannot be completed at home, they may be completed at PUSH as soon as you arrive to campus. If you need to receive a particular vaccine, please make an appointment with PUSH or another local pharmacy.
To comply with immunization requirements, you must complete the medical clearances section in your Patient Portal. Log into the portal, look for the "Medical Clearances" tab on the left and update any items marked "Non Compliant" by submitting documentation. Further instructions can be found here.
Indiana state law requires all new, regularly enrolled students attending residential campuses of Indiana public universities be immunized against Rubeola (10 day measles), Rubella (German measles), Mumps, Meningitis, Diphtheria, and Tetanus. This law requires the university to block the enrollment of any student who does not comply with immunization requirements. If your record is held for immunization noncompliance, registration for future courses cannot be completed until all requirements have been met.
Immunization proof must be legible, in English, and include the student's name. Students may upload their official immunization record OR a completed immunization information form signed by an MD, DO, NP, or RN. The official immunization record does not need to be signed by a provider.
Immunizations required by the state of Indiana: Vaccine Requirement Rubeola (Measles, MMR) 2 doses of live vaccine administered after first birthday and at least 28 days apart. Rubella (MMR) 2 doses of live vaccine administered after first birthday and at least 28 days apart. Mumps (MMR) 2 doses of live vaccine administered after first birthday and at least 28 days apart. Tetanus Diphtheria (Td or Tdap) No more than 10 years before starting classes. Meningitis (Men Quad/Conjugate, MCV4) One dose on or after 16th birthday, if 23 years or younger. Meningococcal B (Separate from Meningitis) 2 doses of the same brand (Bexsero or Trumenba), if 23 or younger. International students only Tuberculosis Clearance International students must have a QFT (Quantiferon blood test) or T-Spot (not PPD) with a negative result. This test must be completed in the United States and no more than 3 months before classes start. Test must be completed on the same date, or at least 28 days after any live vaccine. Those with an abnormal TB test result, will have additional steps to complete. Students not in compliance will not be able to register for future courses until the requirement has been met. Learn more about Tuberculosis.State-required immunizations are available at the Student Health Center and through other healthcare providers.
FAQS MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINES Why Men B?Purdue requires 2 doses of the Meningitis B vaccine for all incoming students under the age of 24. College students are at an increased risk of being infected with the rare, but serious disease.
Does MCV4 (Menveo or Menactra) meet the Men B requirement?No. Meningococcal B is a separate vaccine. MCV4 protects against variants A,C,W, and Y. Meningococcal B protects from the B variant. The brand names for Meningococcal B are Bexsero and Trumenba.
If I am 24 or older when I start classes, am I required to complete meningococcal vaccines?No, this is only required for students under 24 when classes start.
Will I be able to register for classes if I have completed the 1st dose of Men B, but cannot complete the 2nd dose before classes start due to the vaccine's dosing schedule?Yes. If you have started the vaccine but are unable to complete the 2nd dose because of the dosing schedule (28 days or 6 months between vaccines), PUSH staff will give you more time to complete the series when we review your submission.
TB TEST If I am registered as a domestic student, am I required to complete a TB test?No, the TB test is only required for international students.
Can I complete the TB test in my home country?No, Indiana law requires that the TB test be completed in the United States.
Why do I see TB test as a requirement in Medical Clearances even though I'm a domestic student?Before classes start, all incoming students see the same items in medical clearances. Once classes start, students will be placed in their final populations and the requirements will correctly reflect the student's status. The TB test requirement is listed so that those that are required to complete this have a location to submit.
What TB tests are accepted?Purdue will only accept a TB blood test meaning that your blood must be drawn by a lab. The TB skin test (PPD/Mantoux) are not acceptable.
IMMUNIZATION PROOF Does my provider need to sign my immunization records before submitting?No. If you are submitting your immunization record, no hand-written signature is required. This is only required on the immunization history form.
How do I upload additional proof once I have completed the initial submission?Additional records will be added using the green update box next to the immunization proof line in Medical Clearances. This is the same location records were originally submitted. Even though it states compliant now, the student can continue to submit additional records as needed.
If I upload proof of immunizations, do I still need to enter the dates each vaccine was completed?Yes. Your submission cannot be reviewed until proof is submitted and immunization dates have been entered.
I submitted immunization proof several days ago. Why does it still say Awaiting Review?The review process can take up to 10 days to review. If there are any problems with the student's submission, PUSH staff will send the student a secure message.
Why am I unable to access the patient portal?Grad students do not have access to the patient portal until classes start. Please hold on to your record until then and submit once portal access is available. If you are an undergrad and cannot login to the portal, please contact us at shc@purdue.Edu.
I have logged into my patient portal and there is no way to submit immunization proof in Medical Clearances.Students who took previous classes through Purdue, either on campus or as an online student, will be considered "former students" until classes start. Once classes start, the student's population will correct itself and they will be able to enter immunization dates. If you'd like to submit immunization dates before classes start, please email shc@purdue.Edu.
Does PUSH accept MMR titers as proof of measles, mumps, and rubella?Yes. The titer must include the numeric value as well as the numeric reference range or state "immune" to meet titer requirements.
EXEMPTIONSIn the event of an outbreak of any of the vaccine preventable diseases covered by this law on or near campus, students holding exemptions will be excluded from all campus activities, for their protection, until the outbreak is declared to be over.
How do I apply for a religious exemption from immunizations?Students, or their parent/guardian if the student is a minor, will write a statement indicating the reason that they cannot obtain immunizations. The statement must be hand-signed and dated. Once reviewed, the student will find the response in the letters section of their patient portal.
How do I apply for a medical exemption from immunizations?A medical exemption will be granted upon receipt of a written statement from a healthcare provider indicating the nature and duration of the medical condition which contraindicates an immunization, as well as the specific vaccine identified as detrimental to the student's health or certifying pregnancy or suspected pregnancy. Medical exemptions expire when the medical condition(s) contraindicating immunization change in a manner which permits immunization.
Contact Info:PURDUE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER601 Stadium Mall DriveImmunization Office - Room 138W. Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2052Email: shc@purdue.EduFax: (765) 496-1907Telephone: (765) 494-1837
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