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the plague bacteria :: Article Creator Ancestor Of Black Death Has Been Discovered In Bronze-Age Sheep Yahoo is using AI to generate takeaways from this article. This means the info may not always match what's in the article. Reporting mistakes helps us improve the experience.Generate Key Takeaways An ancestor of the bacteria responsible for plague has been found in the tooth of a sheep that lived nearly 4,000 years ago in a Bronze Age human settlement, scientists report in a new preprint study. Millennia later, the apparent descendants of this pathogen would unleash vicious pandemics that claimed millions of human lives, including the 6th-century Justinian plague and the 14th-century Black Death. In tracing the backstories of diseases like plague, this new research highlights the importance of looking not just at ancient human remains, but also the animals around them, the authors say. Most human pathogens have zoonotic origins, a...

SCAN acquires The Residentialist Group to launch new home health provider, Homebase Medical - FierceHealthcare

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SCAN acquires The Residentialist Group to launch new home health provider, Homebase Medical  FierceHealthcare


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