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New Plague Inc. Fake News Scenario Conquers the World with Misinformation - TechRaptor

New Plague Inc. Fake News Scenario Conquers the World with Misinformation - TechRaptor

New Plague Inc. Fake News Scenario Conquers the World with Misinformation - TechRaptor

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:00 AM PST

The Plague Inc. Fake News scenario has arrived and it brings a dangerous new infectious enemy to the game: misinformation.

Plague Inc. is a game that's well familiar to a certain subset of gamers on the Internet. Players must create their own virus, loose it on the world, and attempt to kill every single human being on the planet before they can enact a proper quarantine to protect themselves.

Now, the fine folks behind the game have created the Plague Inc. Fake News scenario to add a new dimension of challenge to their game.

Plague Inc. Fake News

What's the Plague Inc. Fake News Scenario All About?

The Fake News scenario is the result of a parnership between Ndemic Creations (the developers behind Plague Inc.) and a U.K. "independent fact checking charity" called Full Fact.

 A cursory glance at Full Fact's website demonstrates that they're equally willing to take on anyone who isn't telling the whole truth, regardless of their political affiliation. Fake news is much the same — pretty much everyone of any political spectrum has some fake news stories coming from their "side", although the origins and subject matter of these stories can often be wildly different. Ndemic has partnered with other fact-checking organizations around the world as well, such as Politifact in the U.S. as they want to use this to illustrate the danger and ways fake news works.

Simply put, the Plague Inc. Fake News scenario can be accessed from the Scenarios menu, where it's described as follows:

Fake News. Misinformation. Falsehoods. Call it whatever you want. You are going to deceive the world and make them believe it anyway.

When this announcement was made, the Fake News scenario had debuted on iOS but still hadn't made its way to Android or PC; if it's not already there by now, it should be in the near future. You can play Plague Inc. for the iPhone via the App Store, for Android via Google Play, and for PC via Steam.

What do you think of the Plague Inc. Fake News scenario? Does it seem like the kind of thing you would enjoy? Let us know in the comments below!


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