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(PDF) Pulmonary infections

chronic bronchitis x ray :: Article Creator Asthmatic Bronchitis: Asthma And Bronchitis If you have asthma and bronchitis, you may have asthmatic bronchitis. Asthmatic bronchitis can make respiratory symptoms worse and require treatment to support lung function. Having asthma puts you at an increased risk of bronchitis. This is because asthma constricts the air vessels in your lungs. Bronchitis refers to inflammation in the small airways in the lungs. When the airways get inflamed, they produce mucus. Mucus helps the body flush out what it thinks is an infection, but it can also further block and damage the airways. Anything that's in the airways, including bacteria or viruses, can then get trapped in your airways during an asthma attack. Over time, residue in the lungs can damage the lung tissue. This may further increase your risk of developing bronchitis. Keep reading to learn about asthmatic bronchitis, incl...

Lung Granuloma: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, and More

treatment of clostridium botulinum :: Article Creator How Humans Got Their Big Brains "Don't cry over spilled milk. By this time tomorrow, it'll be free yogurt." —Stephen Colbert Some 2.5 million years ago, our hominid ancestors started to grow bigger brains. Over the next several millennia, our brains tripled in size. It led to a new creature, Homo Sapiens, that eventually ruled the planet. Brains demand copious amounts of energy, and growing a big one means the possessor must absorb extra calories. One way to get them is to develop a giant gut, like a horse, that can take its time to eke out every calorie from the meager pickings on the savannah. Yet our guts are shorter than those of our simian cousins. A popular theory says that the advent of cooking helped to break down food and improved our ability to salvage extra calories. But man-made fire and cooking came about a million years too late to explain the phenome...

Aspergilloma in Non-tuberculous Cavities in the Lung: Not to Get Startled

tuberculosis screening test :: Article Creator Tuberculosis Testing Involves More Than 600 Contacts, Says SNHD No known additional active tuberculosis cases have developed — so far — from a person with active TB who was at 26 Clark County School District campuses and a training center in recent weeks, according to health officials. More than 600 contacts have been identified as part of the investigation, according to the Southern Nevada Health District. "This is currently a contact investigation, not an outbreak investigation," said health district spokeswoman Jennifer Sizemore. "We are notifying people they need to get tested because they may be infected with latent TB not necessarily sick with active TB disease." Testing has begun for students and staff at more than a dozen schools who had close contact with the infected person, according to the health district. Principals at 26 CCSD schools sent letters to parent...

What Is Aspergillosis? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

interstitial fibrosis :: Article Creator Vitamins By Condition Considering taking supplements to treat interstitial cystitis? Below is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of interstitial cystitis. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and user reviews for the vitamins and supplements listed below. Treatment Effectiveness Reviews Learn about User Reviews and read IMPORTANT information about user generated content Conditions of Use and Important Information: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on Web...

Bronchiectasis: Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

pediatric tuberculosis symptoms :: Article Creator What Are The Symptoms Of Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis (TB) symptoms vary depending on whether the disease is active or latent. Symptoms typically affect the lungs and may include a persistent, productive cough, fatigue, and fever. TB is a bacterial disease that typically affects the lungs. TB symptoms vary depending on what type a person has and where in the body the TB bacteria are growing. In this article, we will explore the symptoms of TB, including different kinds of TB, its causes, and treatment. We will also examine how to prevent TB transmission and who is most at risk of contracting the disease. How TB symptoms present will depend on each individual, their overall health, and where in their body the infection occurs. According to the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS), a person may not begin to experience symptoms until months or years after the initial...

Case Definition of Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Resource-Constrained Settings

fungus in lungs treatment :: Article Creator Lung Disease News Sep. 12, 2023 — An international team of researchers has demonstrated that a combination of inhibitors may suppress tumor growth and prevent relapse in patients with certain cancers, including head and neck squamous ... Sep. 7, 2023 — Women exposed to air pollution give birth to smaller babies, according to new research. The research also shows that women living in greener areas give birth to bigger babies and this may help ... Sep. 7, 2023 — Researchers reveal for the first time that high blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes can play a causal role in lung ... Sep. 5, 2023 — A new study has shown that a subtype of avian flu virus, endemic in poultry farms in China, is undergoing mutational changes, which could increase the risk of the disease being passed on to ... Aug. 30, 2023 — Fresh discoveries about a type of immune cells could give lung cancer patients a more acc...

What Is Aspergillosis? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

causes of tuberculosis disease :: Article Creator Tuberculosis Vaccine Screening Links T-cell Response To ALS Risk People with negative responses to a tuberculin skin test a few years after being vaccinated against tuberculosis had a significant, 25% lower risk of developing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in their lifetime, according to a study in Norway. Because a positive reaction is linked to the recruitment of T cells — a type of immune cell involved in memory immunity and responses to vaccines — these findings may support the role of T-cell responses in the development of ALS, its researchers said. The study, "Tuberculin responses after BCG vaccination predict amyotrophic lateral sclerosis risk," was published in the journal Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health. Immune system response to motor neuron damage known in ALS In people with ALS, inflammatory cells such as T-cells and microglia are known to locate in brai...