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which is more contagious bacterial or viral :: Article Creator The Surprising "Side-Effect" Of Some Vaccinations Source: Frank Merino / Pexels Have you gotten the shingles vaccination? What about the flu vax? If so, I have good news and more good news for you...And your brain. Of the many factors that contribute to healthy aging—exercise, diet, the gratitude attitude, and social connections, to name a few— the most surprising may be this one: Getting vaccinated. According to the latest research, getting vaccinated may contribute not only to your lifespan—the number of years you will live— but also to your healthspan—the amount of time you will live without major health problems, including cognitive decline. Lifespan Taking lifespan first, it's no secret that getting vaccinated contributes to a longer life for individuals who get them. Vaccinations have boosted average life expectancy for people around the globe. With v

Report: 12% of Mexicans suffer from malnutrition - Beaumont Enterprise

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexican officials say about 12% of Mexicans suffer from malnutrition, a situation they blamed in part on consumption of junk food. Officials told legislators the problem is more common in rural areas.

The Health Department said Saturday the problem is often reflected in anemia, protein deficit and an imbalance in micronutrients.

Simón Barquera, the head of the country's health and nutrition research center, said marketing and junk food were the main drivers of unhealthy consumption patterns.

"Marketing, economic interests and the influence of the junk food industry are the main drivers of consumption patterns in the Mexican population that create health problems," Barquera said.

However, poverty also clearly plays a role. Mexico's commission for poverty measurement said that in 2020, 22.5% of Mexicans lacked enough income to buy quality, nutritious foods for themselves and their families.

About 43.9% of Mexicans, or about 55 million people, live below the poverty line, which means they can't pay for all their needs.

Consumer groups in Mexico have long complained that soft drinks and snacks are heavily marketed in rural areas, where they are sometimes seen as better, more prestigious or more addictive foods than the traditional diet of corn, beans, rice and chiles.


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