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the plague bacteria :: Article Creator Ancestor Of Black Death Has Been Discovered In Bronze-Age Sheep Yahoo is using AI to generate takeaways from this article. This means the info may not always match what's in the article. Reporting mistakes helps us improve the experience.Generate Key Takeaways An ancestor of the bacteria responsible for plague has been found in the tooth of a sheep that lived nearly 4,000 years ago in a Bronze Age human settlement, scientists report in a new preprint study. Millennia later, the apparent descendants of this pathogen would unleash vicious pandemics that claimed millions of human lives, including the 6th-century Justinian plague and the 14th-century Black Death. In tracing the backstories of diseases like plague, this new research highlights the importance of looking not just at ancient human remains, but also the animals around them, the authors say. Most human pathogens have zoonotic origins, a...

State announces second round of $100 incentives for COVID-19 vaccines | NMDOH - Coronavirus Updates - NMDOH - Department of Health

Incentive begins Monday, August 2 and extends through the end of August; all New Mexicans will eligibl

SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Health on Thursday announced that, beginning Monday, August 2, and for the duration of August, all New Mexicans will again be eligible for a $100 incentive for getting a dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Any dose will qualify – a first or second dose of Moderna or Pfizer, or a dose of the single-shot J&J vaccine. No more than one $100 incentive will be distributed per person

The announcement follows today's White House press conference, at which President Biden praised New Mexico for launching a $100 incentive program in June – a program that led to a 333% increase in single-shot vaccines and a 26% overall boost in completed vaccinations. New Mexico is resuming its $100 incentive program at President Biden's request

To be eligible for the incentive, New Mexicans will have to register with an email, phone number, or home address at vaccineNM.org. New Mexicans can also call 1-855-600-3453 for assistance with registering

·         If you need help filling out the form, press 1. Presione 9 para español.

·         If you need help scheduling a vaccine appointment, please press 3. A DOH agent will call you back, so please expect the call.

·         If you are a provider, please press 3

New Mexicans are not required to schedule their vaccine appointments through the vaccineNM.org system, however. They may receive COVID-19 vaccine from any provider in the state

Vaccine providers are required to submit information about vaccinations to the New Mexico State Immunization Information System. When the state receives this information, it will process the incentive payments. Payments will be distributed most quickly through email and text message; users who provide only home addresses will receive their incentives less quickly

The funds for this incentive come from the federal American Rescue Plan.

New Mexicans under the age of 18 will not receive the incentive directly. Instead, their parents/guardians will be required to provide permission, and the incentive will be disbursed to the parent/guardian.


Matt Bieber, Communications Director | Matt.Bieber@state.nm.us | (505) 470-2290

The Department of Health works to promote health and wellness, improve health outcomes, and deliver services to all New Mexicans. As New Mexico's largest state agency, DOH offers public health services in all 33 counties and collaborates with 23 Native American tribes, Pueblos and nations.
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State announces second round of $100 incentives for COVID-19 vaccines


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