Amid the looming fear of Omicron, another situation – that of a brucellosis infection– has surfaced in West Bengal. The staff of the Animal Resources Development Department in the state is suffering from this disease. According to sources, a good number of people have been admitted in the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine due to this disease. Brucellosis is a bacterial disease caused by various Brucella species, which mainly infect cattle, swine, goats, sheep and dogs. Humans generally acquire the disease through direct contact with infected animals, by eating or drinking contaminated animal products or by inhaling airborne agents. Most cases are caused by ingesting unpasteurized milk or cheese from infected goats or sheep. Brucellosis typically causes flu-like symptoms, including fever, weakness, malaise and weight loss. However, the disease may present in many atypical forms. In many patients the symptoms are mild and, therefore, the diagnosis may not be considered. The incubation...