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which is more contagious bacterial or viral :: Article Creator The Surprising "Side-Effect" Of Some Vaccinations Source: Frank Merino / Pexels Have you gotten the shingles vaccination? What about the flu vax? If so, I have good news and more good news for you...And your brain. Of the many factors that contribute to healthy aging—exercise, diet, the gratitude attitude, and social connections, to name a few— the most surprising may be this one: Getting vaccinated. According to the latest research, getting vaccinated may contribute not only to your lifespan—the number of years you will live— but also to your healthspan—the amount of time you will live without major health problems, including cognitive decline. Lifespan Taking lifespan first, it's no secret that getting vaccinated contributes to a longer life for individuals who get them. Vaccinations have boosted average life expectancy for people around the globe. With v

What the 1918 flu pandemic reveals about how pandemics end - WBUR

Will this pandemic ever end?

Well, the fact is — all pandemics DO end. But how do we, as a society, decide we've reached that point?

There aren't great templates for this — except one. The end of the 1918 pandemic.

"People were very used to dealing with epidemics. Everyone knew somebody who died of a contagious disease. Many of those people had children who died," Howard Markel says. "But once the cases fell down to almost nothing, both the doctors and the public agreed it's time to go back to life."

A different time, and a different disease. But there's still much to learn.

"All historical lessons can teach you something. And to me right now, the greatest lesson was that we did survive," he adds.

Today, On Point: How did the 1918 flu pandemic come to an end?


Howard Markel, professor and director of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan. Author of "When Germs Travel: Six Major Epidemics That Have Invaded America Since 1900 and the Fears They Have Unleashed" and "The Secret of Life." (@HowardMarkel)

Jack Beatty, On Point news analyst. (@JackBeattyNPR)

From The Reading List

The Atlantic: "Omicron Is the Beginning of the End" — "No matter the severity of the variant, the appetite for shutdowns or other large-scale social interventions simply isn't there."


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