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cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis :: Article Creator

The Corrs' Emotional Tribute

Irish supergroup The Corrs have staged an emotional fundraising concert in memory of their late mother.

Jean Corr, 57, died from a rare lung condition while awaiting a lung transplant operation at the Freeman Hospital at Newcastle upon Tyne 14 months ago.

Last night, the group - singer Andrea, drummer Caroline, violinist Sharon and guitarist Jim - played to a sell-out 10,000 crowd at the Newcastle Arena in a one-off charity gig.

At a news conference before the show, the band said they hoped to raise at least £100,000 for research into cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis, the condition which killed their inspirational mother.

Sharon said: 'We are looking forward to the concert although it is emotional for us to be back in the city where mum died.' Andrea added: 'I think we have to do this as a celebration of being able to do something and to give something back. We also want to help other people to get through what we have been through.'

Profits from ticket sales will help fund an extension to the hospital's William Leech Centre, which is dedicated to research into lung disease.

The Corrs have also given permission for the British Lung Foundation to collect at concerts throughout their current UK tour.

Paul Corris, professor of thoracic medicine at the Freeman Hospital, who accompanied the band at the news conference, said he had not been surprised by the band's gesture.

He said: 'Although I have known them only a short time, I believe they are a very special family. This is a marvellous gesture which recognises the need to fund research into lung disease.'

The tour follows the release of the Corrs' latest album, In Blue, which includes the track No More Cry, written by the band to support their father following Jean's death. Gerry joined his children before the show and thanked the venue and other agencies who had helped stage the event.

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