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(PDF) Pulmonary infections

chronic bronchitis x ray :: Article Creator Asthmatic Bronchitis: Asthma And Bronchitis If you have asthma and bronchitis, you may have asthmatic bronchitis. Asthmatic bronchitis can make respiratory symptoms worse and require treatment to support lung function. Having asthma puts you at an increased risk of bronchitis. This is because asthma constricts the air vessels in your lungs. Bronchitis refers to inflammation in the small airways in the lungs. When the airways get inflamed, they produce mucus. Mucus helps the body flush out what it thinks is an infection, but it can also further block and damage the airways. Anything that's in the airways, including bacteria or viruses, can then get trapped in your airways during an asthma attack. Over time, residue in the lungs can damage the lung tissue. This may further increase your risk of developing bronchitis. Keep reading to learn about asthmatic bronchitis, incl...

MLB Weekly Digest September 3rd Edition - NGSC Sports

brain meningitis contagious :: Article Creator A 'new Turning Point': Patients Could Soon Have A New Shot To Protect Them From Deadly Meningitis Patti Wukovits still thinks about how she had to bury her daughter in her prom dress. In June 2012, 17-year-old Kimberly Coffey had a fever and body aches. She told her mom it felt like her ankles were bleeding. When Wukovits looked, she noticed a purple rash. Wukovits, a nurse from Long Island, rushed Kimberly to the emergency room where doctors diagnosed her with meningitis. Her kidneys and heart were failing. They could do little to help her. Kimberly died days before her high school graduation. "Our whole world changed," Wukovits said. "There's not one day, one hour that goes by that I really don't think about her. She's always on top of my mind." Wukovits was confused about how Kimberly could have meningitis. She had followed the US Centers for Disease ...

Robert Zakar gives back to community

stage 3 lung cancer life expectancy with treatment :: Article Creator Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a type of cancer that begins in the tissues of the lungs, the two spongy organs in your chest that help your body absorb oxygen. Lung cancer is the third most common cancer affecting adults in the United States and the leading cause of cancer death.  There are several types of non-small cell lung cancer including squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma. NSCLC makes up about 80-85% of all lung cancer diagnoses in the United States. It is estimated that smoking causes up to 90% of cases of lung cancer. The common symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer are shortness of breath and a persistent cough. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for NSCLC. There are many different types of lung cancer, and each one affects different types of cells and spread...

Health & Living: Information on Living a Healthy Lifestyle

pulmonary cystic fibrosis :: Article Creator Cystic Fibrosis Surprise – Scientists Discover Unexpected Function Of Rare Lung Cells Illustration shows pulmonary ionocyte (pink) embedded in airway surface (blue and yellow). Credit: Guillermo Romano Ibarra, University of Iowa Researchers from the University of Iowa demonstrate that pulmonary ionocytes play a key role in the absorption of chloride and water. Researchers from the University of Iowa have discovered that rare lung cells known as pulmonary ionocytes facilitate the absorption of water and salt from the airway surface. This function is exactly the opposite of what was expected of these cells and the findings could impact our understanding of cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. Ionocytes in Human Lungs Five years ago, scientists reported the unexpected discovery that ionocytes—a cell type commonly found in fish gills and frog skin—are also present in the lining of human lungs and airway...

Horse Health Glossary – The Horse

bilateral pulmonary infection :: Article Creator Lung Disease News Aug. 11, 2023 — Yoga and breathing control practices, in combination with aerobic training, are particularly key exercises for asthmatic people seeking to improve their lung function, a new peer-reviewed study ... Aug. 9, 2023 — New findings may lead to relapse-free treatment for a sizeable subgroup of lung cancer patients. In a study in mice, scientists have identified a biomarker that may help physicians select lung cancer ... Aug. 8, 2023 — Overly active immune cells are often behind lung damage in diseases such as Covid-19. Researchers have developed an RNA agent for a lung spray that slows the activity of these cells, known as ... July 25, 2023 — Having a food allergy as a baby is linked to asthma and reduced lung function later in childhood, according to a new ... July 20, 2023 — Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fish and fish oil supplements, appear ...

Explore psilocybin and other psychedelics for women's cancer ...

pleural effusion lung cancer staging :: Article Creator Lung Cancer Complications: What You Should Know As lung cancer develops, a range of complications can occur. They include: blockages in the airways, leading to breathing problems blockage in the food pipe, which can make it hard to swallow spitting or coughing up blood or rust-colored sputum facial swelling fluid around the lungs infections tumors in other parts of the body due to metastasis blood clots heart and cardiovascular problems high calcium levels problems with the nervous system, such as spinal cord compression and neuropathy mental health conditions Below, we look at each of these in more detail. Blocked airways A tumor may grow into an airway in the lung and block it. This may lead to further complications, such as pneumonia and shortness of breath. Blocked food pipe Lung cancers that grow near a person's esophagus, or food pipe, can cause c...

HIV complications: Types, symptoms, and staying healthy

smoking with a chest infection :: Article Creator Chest Pain: 11 Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Options Chest pain may indicate a number of health conditions. Heart Attack Coronary artery disease (CAD), which occurs when blood flow to the arteries is compromised by a narrowing and hardening of the arteries, can cause a myocardial infarction (heart attack), and chest pain is one of many potential symptoms of this medical event. "Chest discomfort due to CAD is usually diffuse (widespread) and difficult to localize," explains Dr. Jean. "It's also worse with exertion or emotional stress and relieved by rest." Pericarditis Pericarditis occurs when the pericardium, a two-layer structure of tissue that surrounds and protects the heart, becomes inflamed due to an infection, a heart attack, certain medications, heart surgery or an injury or medical condition. The pericardium holds the heart in place and helps it function appropr...

People with a hepatitis C cure still face substantial risk of death | BMJ

lung and bone cancer final stages :: Article Creator What Causes Lung Cancer? Scientists Are Working To Connect The Dots. For Sharon Fisher, the lung cancer diagnosis came as a gut punch. A simple cold had turned into a lingering feeling of congestion, with a dry cough. Eventually diagnosed with pneumonia, a closer look revealed a lesion in the left lobe of her lung. But, how? After all, she'd never been a smoker, was an avid hiker, was still the same weight she'd been since high school, had no history of illnesses, and was a foodie who ate no processed foods and cooked healthy meals for herself, in spite of her hectic work schedule. What most people do not realize is that in approximately 15% of lung cancer diagnoses, the patient has never smoked. And, they had no exposure to known carcinogens. While this fact has baffled the medical community, further exploration revealed that there were many more female never-smokers (as t...