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How Long Is Bronchitis Contagious?

Bronchitis is usually contagious for a few days. The length of time it's contagious depends on the cause, ranging from 24 hours for bacterial bronchitis in children to 7 days for bronchitis caused by certain viral infections.

Bronchitis is a respiratory infection that develops when viruses, bacteria, or certain substances irritate and inflame the bronchial tubes in your lower airways. This condition usually comes with a dry but productive cough, and it's usually contagious.

The amount of time bronchitis may be contagious depends on its cause. Bacterial bronchitis in children may be contagious for only 24 hours, while bronchitis resulting from a viral infection may be contagious for a week or longer.

If you have acute bronchitis caused by a virus or bacteria, you can pass the infection to others through the mucus you cough up and into the air around you.

Chronic bronchitis, which is typically the result of long-term toxin exposure such as cigarette smoking, is not usually contagious.

This article will review when bronchitis is contagious, for how long, and how you can avoid transmitting or contracting an infection that can cause bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis infections are usually caused by viruses and less often by bacteria. Both viral and bacterial respiratory infections are contagious, meaning you can transmit the infection to people around you.

Viral and bacterial respiratory diseases usually spread from one person to another through tiny particles in the air or through contact with mucus that contains the virus or bacteria. How contagious your infection is depends on what caused it and how susceptible the people around you are to infection.

People with weakened immune systems are most sensitive to infections and may be able to contract viral and bacterial infections when other people are no longer susceptible.

Viral infections that can cause bronchitis are usually contagious for a few days.

For example, if your bronchitis was caused by an infection with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), it will probably be contagious for 3–8 days, including the day or two before you started showing symptoms.

If you have bronchitis resulting from the flu, it could be contagious for 5–7 days after you contracted the infection, including about 1 day before you showed any symptoms.

Bacterial bronchitis is less common and doesn't necessarily need treatment with antibiotics.

In children, these infections tend to last longer and may be called protracted bacterial bronchitis. This condition can require antibiotic treatment for as long as 2 weeks, at which time the coughing resolves.

A dry-sounding productive cough that brings up mucus is the main symptom of bronchitis, regardless of whether it's caused by a viral or a bacterial infection.

Other symptoms you might experience, depending on the type of infection that caused your bronchitis, include:

  • stuffy nose
  • sore throat
  • congestion
  • hoarse voice
  • fever
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain or pain with breathing
  • wheezing
  • fatigue
  • Many of the respiratory viruses and bacteria that lead to bronchitis spread though contact with a surface or substance that carries the pathogen.

    Most of the time, these germs travel from one person to another in tiny droplets that are propelled through the air or onto surfaces by a cough or sneeze.

    Wearing a face mask when you are sick can help you avoid spreading respiratory viruses and other pathogens to others. It can also prevent you from contracting viruses from people around you.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests washing your hands and avoiding close contact with people who are sick to avoid contracting respiratory infections.

    Bronchitis is an inflammation in your airway that develops from a viral or bacterial respiratory infection. It is possible for an infection to transfer from person to person, but basic infection prevention measures, such as washing your hands and avoiding close contact with people who are sick, can help you stay healthy.

    You may want to take additional infection prevention measures if you know you have a health condition or take any medications that can weaken your immune system.

    Vaccinated Dog Still Got Viral Cough

    Dear Dr. John,

    About two weeks ago, my 14-year-old Retriever X developed a persistent hacking cough. I took him in to see my local vet and they ran bloodwork and took chest x-rays. They determined he had a type of kennel cough and gave me some antibiotics and a cough medication. With things not improving that much, I then took him to a specialty hospital.. The diagnosis was pretty much the same and no additional medications were given. His energy level seems a little off. Can kennel cough last this long and do I need to keep him away from my sister's dog or other dogs since my dog and my sister's dog have been together this entire time. Why did my dog get kennel cough if he is vaccinated for it and why has her dog not developed the same cough? V.H.

    Dear V.H.,

    Kennel cough is a broadly used term that describes a contagious viral cough in dogs caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica as well as other strains of various coughs. It seems as if your veterinarian did the proper workup. If they felt it wasn't too significant then it hopefully is not. Antibiotics were probably given to prevent a secondary bacterial infection from developing but do nothing in combating any virus. The cough medication was probably the best thing for your dog to calm the coughing and hacking.

    Since a specialty hospital had nothing to add suggests to me that your dog does have a viral cough and all one can do is to provide supportive care ensuring the dog continues to eat and drink normally. I have seen versions of kennel cough last for four months or more. Even if your dog was vaccinated against kennel cough, viral coughs of different strains can still affect a dog. I cannot explain why your sister's dog has not gotten the same cough other than her dog is likely resistant and probably has antibodies to whatever strain of virus that your dog has. I think the two dogs can still hang out but perhaps keep them away from other dogs for another week or so in case they are still contagious. I would ask your vet for more of the cough suppressant  to give your dog some relief.

    Dr. John de Jong owns and operates the Boston Mobile Veterinary Clinic.He can be reached at 781-899-9994.

    Impetigo: Everything You Need To Know

    Impetigo is a bacterial infection that affects your skin, causing sores and blisters. It can appear differently depending on the stage of infection and what part of your body it affects.

    Impetigo is a common contagious skin infection. Bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes infect the outer layers of your skin, called the epidermis. Your face, arms, and legs are most often affected.

    Anyone can get impetigo, but it most commonly affects children, especially those who are 2–5 years old.

    The infection often begins in minor cuts, insect bites, or a rash such as eczema — any place where your skin is broken. But it can also occur on healthy skin.

    The first symptoms of impetigo are discolored sores on your skin, often clustered around your nose and lips. These often appear pink or red on light skin and dark red, purple, brown, or gray on darker skin tones.

    These sores quickly grow into blisters that may ooze, burst, and then form a yellowish crust. The clusters of blisters may expand to cover more of your skin.

    The sores can be itchy and occasionally painful. After the crust phase, they form discolored marks that fade without leaving scars.

    Impetigo types

    There are three types of impetigo based on the bacteria that cause them and the sores that form. Each type goes through a series of stages.

  • Nonbullous: This is the most common form of impetigo and causes patches of skin discoloration and sores that can break and crust over.
  • Bullous: Bullous means blister. This form of impetigo forms large, fluid-filled blisters that can burst open. Crusts then form at the open sores.
  • Ecthyma: This is a more severe but less common form. Echtyma impetigo affects deeper layers of your skin and can cause large, painful blisters that break into sores. These sores crust over and may leave scars.
  • Impetigo and other skin conditions

    Impetigo can cause similar symptoms to other skin conditions. People may mistake impetigo for:

    Because impetigo can occur on any part of your skin, it may take on a slightly different appearance for different people. It will also look different depending on the stage of your infection. Below are example pictures of impetigo on a variety of skin tones.

    Strains of Staphylococcus (staph) or Streptococcus (strep) bacteria cause impetigo.

    These bacteria can get into your body through a break in your skin from a cut, scratch, insect bite, or rash.

    The disease can be contagious. You can contract these bacteria if you touch the sores of a person with impetigo or if you touch items like towels, clothes, or sheets that the person used.

    Who's at risk of impetigo?

    While anyone can contract impetigo, close contact with someone with the infection is the most common risk factor for the disease. Impetigo spreads more easily when people are in close quarters.

    Adults and children are at higher risk of impetigo if they:

    Age is also a significant risk factor for impetigo. The more common nonbullous variety is seen most often in children 2–5 years old. The less common bullous variety occurs in children younger than 2 years old in 90% of people with it. When impetigo does occur in adults, it's more common in people assigned male at birth.

    It's a good idea to see a doctor or other healthcare professional if you suspect impetigo. They can usually diagnose the infection by its appearance.

    If your sores don't clear up with treatment, a doctor may want to culture the bacteria.

    This involves taking a little bit of the liquid from your sore and testing it to see what type of bacteria caused it to determine which antibiotics will work best against it.

    Antibiotics are the first line of treatment for impetigo. The type of antibiotic you get depends on how widespread or severe your lesions are.

    If you have impetigo in only a small area of your skin, topical antibiotic creams, gels, or ointments are the preferred treatment. Options include mupirocin cream or ointment (Bactroban or Centany) and retapamulin ointment (Altabax).

    If your impetigo is severe or widespread, a doctor can prescribe oral antibiotics such as:

    Home treatment

    With treatment, impetigo usually heals in 7–10 days. If you have an underlying infection or skin disease, the infection may take longer to heal.

    A number of home remedies are also available at your drugstore or natural products store. Keeping the area clean and covering it with bandages if possible can stop it from spreading.

    Learn more about home remedies for impetigo here.

    Essential oils

    Some people claim that various essential oils can help to remedy impetigo, including:

    Before you try any essential oil or other alternative treatment, speak with a doctor. Some of these products can cause side effects, and they may not be safe for everyone.


    If the lesions can't be reliably covered, children with impetigo should stay home until they no longer have an active infection that can be passed to others. Adults who work in jobs that involve close contact with others should ask their doctor when it's safe for them to return to work.

    Good hygiene is the best way to prevent impetigo. Follow these tips:

  • Bathe and wash your hands often to cut down on skin bacteria.
  • Cover any skin wounds or insect bites to protect the area.
  • Keep your nails clipped and clean.
  • Don't touch or scratch open sores. This can spread the infection.
  • Wash everything that comes into contact with the impetigo sores in hot water and laundry bleach.
  • The bacteria responsible for impetigo can cause complications, including other more serious infections and harmful immune responses.

  • Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome: Staph infections can trigger the release of certain toxins around the infection. If the toxins spread, it can lead to staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome.
  • Soft tissue infection: The bacteria that cause impetigo can cause other infections, including necrotizing fasciitis. Skin or soft tissue infections that spread rapidly are an emergency and require immediate medical assistance. Call 911 or local emergency services if you experience this.
  • Toxic shock syndrome: The same bacteria that cause impetigo can also cause toxic shock syndrome. It's a potentially life threatening condition that needs medical attention. Call 911 or local emergency services if you experience fever, low blood pressure, and rapid heart rate.
  • Rheumatic fever: Your immune system may respond to impetigo with inflammation through rheumatic fever. This isn't contagious, but it requires immediate treatment. Call 911 or local emergency services if you suspect you have a rheumatic fever.
  • Impetigo in adults

    Adults have a higher risk of complications than children. These complications may include:

    The open sores are highly contagious. Scratching the sores can spread the infection from one place on your skin to another or to another person. The infection can also spread from anything touched by a person with an impetigo infection.

    Hygiene is key to controlling impetigo's spread. If you or your child has impetigo, wash and disinfect everything the infection might have come into contact with, including:

  • clothes
  • bedding
  • towels
  • toys
  • sports equipment
  • Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial skin infection that generally isn't serious. It clears up faster with antibiotics and requires good hygiene to prevent it from spreading.

    If you suspect that you or a loved one has impetigo, contact a doctor for diagnosis.


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