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which is more contagious bacterial or viral :: Article Creator The Surprising "Side-Effect" Of Some Vaccinations Source: Frank Merino / Pexels Have you gotten the shingles vaccination? What about the flu vax? If so, I have good news and more good news for you...And your brain. Of the many factors that contribute to healthy aging—exercise, diet, the gratitude attitude, and social connections, to name a few— the most surprising may be this one: Getting vaccinated. According to the latest research, getting vaccinated may contribute not only to your lifespan—the number of years you will live— but also to your healthspan—the amount of time you will live without major health problems, including cognitive decline. Lifespan Taking lifespan first, it's no secret that getting vaccinated contributes to a longer life for individuals who get them. Vaccinations have boosted average life expectancy for people around the globe. With v

A Doctors Day Letter of Gratitude and Appreciation to the Physicians ... - City of Hope

Edward S. Kim, M.D., M.B.A.

It's an honor on this Doctors Day to write to you as both the physician-in-chief for City of Hope Orange County and the vice physician-in-chief for City of Hope National Medical Center.

I'd like to share what it means to be a physician and to express my gratitude for all those who spend their days wearing a white lab coat. For me, the lab coat is not only a symbol of years of study and crafting an expertise; it is a beacon of hope for our patients — a light in the darkness, offering a foundation during a critical moment in their lives.

At City of Hope, these white coats are backed by the brightest minds in cancer care. I'm writing from the most advanced cancer center in Orange County — City of Hope Orange County Lennar Foundation Cancer — where we have welcomed nearly 30 new physicians to our team in just the past year and are bringing not only our research and science, but also our compassion and humanity to more patients, faster.

On behalf of the Orange County team and all teams at City of Hope, I want to recognize and thank all of our physicians. Their dedication, talent, and heart have made it possible for us to provide our patients with exceptional care and hope for a better tomorrow.

What drew me to work in health care in the first place was a personal experience of witnessing the impact of a diagnosis on a loved one's life. That experience has stayed with me throughout my career, and I am constantly reminded of the tremendous opportunity it is to be a physician.

As we continue to expand our cancer care network and deliver world-class care to our community, I am excited about the future of cancer care, here in Orange County and beyond. HOPE lives here!


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