How can Medicare payments to primary care doctors be fixed? Hoangmai Pham, MD, MPH, former official at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) during the Obama administration, has a few ideas. How about two separate fee schedules? "Rather than insisting that CMS govern fees for all physician services in one fee schedule, set up two fee schedules -- one for procedures and one for what we would call evaluation and management services," said Pham, who is now president and CEO of the Institute for Exceptional Care in Washington, D.C. "Splitting up the fee schedule that way, it gives CMS a lot more flexibility to adjust the payment for primary care without necessarily affecting payments for other services, which is often where the political pushback comes from." Second, "give CMS new authority to create hybrid and capitated payment models for primary care," she said Thursday at an online event sponsored by the Bipartisan Policy Center.