DENVER, Aug. 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NewAge, Inc. (Nasdaq: NBEV), the Colorado-based direct-to-consumer (D2C) organic and healthy products company, today announced that one of their newest products, Nutrifii Kids™ chewable multivitamins, has been included in The Physicians' Desk Reference® (PDR®), the most widely trusted and used directory of ethical pharmaceutical, biological and diagnostic products published as a service to the medical field. The Physicians' Desk Reference® (PDR®) has been trusted by generations of healthcare providers and delivers innovative health knowledge, products and services that support prescribing decisions and patient adherence to improve health. As a leading provider of behavior-based prescription management programs, PDR provides event-driven and clinically relevant healthcare messaging through its patented process that improves patient compliance and outcomes while preserving privacy. This network comprises e-prescribin...